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TomTom Forum

To contact TomTom is extremely difficult. Why?

Posted by aripet4
To contact TomTom is extremely difficult. Why?

Hello. Just wonder why it need to be so difficult to get in contact with TomTom as such. I have tried the email adress you gave another guest here, but my emails could not get through to TomTom?

Posted by normanetherington
Re: To contact TomTom is extremely difficult. Why?

aripet4 wrote:
Hello. Just wonder why it need to be so difficult to get in contact with TomTom as such. I have tried the email adress you gave another guest here, but my emails could not get through to TomTom?

I found it impossible o contact them. The UK number just cuts off straight after connecting. The link at the bottom right to chat does not work. Also I have sent emails but they never reply. This is the last TomTom I ever buy.


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